Recent advances in electrophoretic deposition of thin-film electrolytes for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells
Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) have been attracting considerable attention as ecologically friendly and highly efficient power sources with a variety of applications. Modern directions in the SOFCs technology are related to lowering the SOFC operating temperature that require both advanced materials design and development of versatile technologies to fabricate SOFC with thin-film electrolyte membrane to decrease ohmic losses at decreased temperatures. Electrophoretic deposition (EDP) is one of the most technologically flexible and cost-effective methods for the thin film formation currently available. This review highlights challenges and approaches presented in literature to the formation dense thin films based on oxygen-conducting and proton conducting electrolytes, as well as multilayer and composite electrolyte membranes.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15826/elmattech.2023.2.011
Copyright (c) 2023 Elena Y. Pikalova, Elena G. Kalinina, Nadezhda S. Pikalova

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