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Corrosion testing of prospective chrome refractory materials in borosilicate glass melts

Sergey M. Shaydullin, Pavel V. Kozlov, Mikhail B. Remizov, Sergey A. Lukin


Justification is provided of significant practical relevance of the issue of corrosion and erosion resistance of refractory materials in furnaces with direct electric heating that are used for vitrification of high-level waste. Main promising materials are listed, and an algorithm is given for assessing their resistance to attack of borosilicate glass melts under operating conditions of electric furnaces. Corrosion testing of chrome refractory materials of joint Chinese and Belgian origin has been carried out under static and dynamic conditions in a low-melting borosilicate glass melt and in a borosilicate glass melt containing simulated liquid high-level waste (HLW). A search has been conducted among chrome refractory materials of Chinese and Belgian origin for ones demonstrating the highest glass melt attack resistance with regard to the conditions of HLW solidification. The results of these tests will be considered in the design of removable and small-scale melters when selecting the material for melter lining.


refractory materials; corrosion; resistance to glass attack; chrome refractories; industrial vitrification furnaces; reprocessing of high-level waste (HLW); borosilicate glass; thermoviscosimetric characteristics; static tests; dynamic tests

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Copyright (c) 2024 Sergey M. Shaydullin, Pavel V. Kozlov, Mikhail B. Remizov, Sergey A. Lukin

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